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chapter one: writing our own story {part one}

Writer's picture: Savanna MorgretSavanna Morgret

After living away from our families for the past 5 years (we were stationed in central California...and we're from the East Coast), we were long overdue for a good old fashioned road trip to catch up, meet our newest family members, and introduce our girls to their cousins. I grew up going on long road trips with my Nana and Papa, so having a chance to do this with our girls was very exciting. Mind you, there are a lot of differences between the trips we took when I was a child, and the journey we just had...but the concept and memories made were the same. As a child, I would build elaborate blanket forts in the back of my Nana and Papa's conversion van (that old Chevy van was a real gem, and had a back bench that folded into a bed)! I would read books, work in activity books, collect license plate states, and try to get the semi drivers to honk at us. It was what childhood dreams were made of! Of course, my girls were neatly strapped into their seats (which they were not particularly fond of by hour 6 of each day's journey), and aren't quite old enough to appreciate the scenery, but who can blame them. We played our fair share of eye spy, rocked out to Disney radio on Pandora, and they learned a great deal of patience.

I'm telling you about this because by sharing with you my family's story, and sharing with you the simple joys that we experience...those little details that make impressions on our littlest loves, I can hopefully encourage you to reflect on how you are remembering your family's story. Documenting our first journey in The Silver Storyteller before she takes on her duties as a full time mobile boutique photography studio forges connection. A lot of love has been invested in her, and a lot of love and laughs have already been shared within her. My goal is to help you find and document your family's story, no matter how seemingly insignificant or monumental. Think back to your childhood. What do you remember about your annual beach vacations? Did you take one every year? Did you only ever do it once? What made the greatest impression on you? What details stick out the most? Think about that, then call me and we'll schedule your family's custom session. Whether it's an evening together by your pool, a long anticipated beach vacation, or a milestone in your little one's growth, I'd be honored and excited to make your memories tangible for generations.

Over the course of the next few days, I'll share with you what we experienced on our trip. It was a blessing, to say the least...but boy are we glad to be home! Our trip started Mother's Day weekend, where we were fortunate enough to get to stay with family in Nashville. Clarke's cousin Jordan and his wife, Ashley, welcomed they're precious baby girl in March, and we we're thrilled to get to meet her, and celebrate Ashley's first Mother's Day together. We also got to spend time with Clarke's Uncle Mark, and his other cousin, Christian. Clarke and his cousins grew up together, and have a very special, brother-like bond. It was precious to be together again, but this time, with our babies. Naturally, my girls were crazy about baby Miah, and I can only imagine how special their bond will be with her as the years pass.

Jordan and Ashley live on an incredible property that boasts 57 GORGEOUS acres, a home constructed pre-Civil war, and plenty of cows and donkeys! Their pups were the star of the weekend besides baby Miah, and we absolutely can't wait to get back there!


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